frequently asked questions

  • JL Therapy does NOT accept insurance for several valid reasons. It simplifies your experience. JL therapy is considered an out-of-network provider and accepts self-pay only. The majority of clients with insurance can be eligible for reimbursement or a portion of the fees from their insurance company.

    Upon request, we can provide a detailed invoice or "superbill" for you to submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement.

    What does this mean for you?

    By NOT accepting insurance we can ensure the work we do together stays between JL Therapy and you. It means that your treatment can be paced in ways that are governed by your needs and timeline - not by the insurance company’s needs or timeline. There is no need for referrals or multiple administrative appointments to figure out coverage, billing or insurance company’s complex processes.

    The benefit of no insurance also means not having to provide a written diagnosis from your primary care physician to seek treatment.

    This simplifies your experience.

  • To determine if you will be reimbursed for JL Therapy services by your insurance, the first thing you should do is contact them directly. Make sure to get everything in writing or have a link to a policy reference to substantiate your claim for reimbursement.

    Further questions to ask your insurance company.

    • How much does my plan reimburse for an out-of-network provider?

    • What percentage of the fee will I be reimbursed?

    • How will I be reimbursed?

    • Is approval required from my primary care physician?

    • What is my deductible and has it been met?

    • What is the coverage amount per therapy session?

    • Are there any restrictions regarding the type of therapy or the practitioner’s credentials?

    • Are there any other restrictions I should know about, or any other questions I should be asking?

    Upon request I can provide you with a reimbursement document/’superbill’ to submit to your insurance company. It is your responsibility to check with your insurance provider about the dynamics to accepting an out-of-network provider.

  • Please review our prices here.

  • JL Therapy’s main belief is to treat each individual based on their unique background, needs, and current issues, using a holistic approach that takes into account culture and generation. We provide personalized therapy after an initial assessment using the latest empirically supported techniques. Our services focus on assisting individuals with trauma, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, mood, and depression.

    JL Therapy and Counseling has extensive experience working with OCD, anxiety, eating disorders, psychotic disorders, non-schizophrenic psychosis, mood disorders, trauma, complex trauma and dual diagnoses. We do not treat psychotic and mood disorders that are not stable/in remission, but we have a deep understanding of their impact due to our extensive experience.

    Modalities and approaches -

    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an empirically supported treatment that focuses on examining and modifying problematic thoughts & behaviors that contribute to and maintain emotional stressors (e.g., anxiety and depression).

    • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) DBT is a modified type of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with goals to aid in living in the moment and developing helpful ways to cope with stress, regulate emotions, and improve relationships.

    • The Unified Protocol Transdiagnostic Treatment is an emotion-focused cognitive behavioral modality with proven efficacy specifically with anxiety and depression.

    • Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is a specific form of CBT for overcoming the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Jenny Li is certified in providing ExRP treatment.

    • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Acceptance and commitment therapy is an empirically supported treatment that focuses on reducing experiential avoidance and accepting internal experiences in the service of living a valued life.

    • Prolonged Exposure (PE): A specific cognitive behavioral therapy modality that focuses on gradually approaching trauma-related memories and feelings. Strong research to support the efficacy in treating PTSD.

    • Eye-Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR): Structured therapy to address trauma memories in combination with bilateral stimulation (eye movements).

    • Internal Family Systems (IFS): IFS is an evidence-based integrative modality to support you in addressing traumas and deeply rooted negative core beliefs. Jenny is a a Level 1 trained IFS therapist.

    • Emotionally Focused Family Therapy (EFFT): Evidence-based family modality supporting resilience and restoration of connection within the family systems.

    • For pre-licensed therapists, Jenny Li offers Clinical Supervision. Contact Jenny for more information.

  • Phase One - Consultation

    Initial 15-minute consultation

    Your initial consultation is no cost. The initial consultation takes place via email and requires intake form to complete online. The intake form will allow you to share details about your past, present and future states and the struggles you’re currently experiencing.

    Phase Two - Initial Session and Personalized Treatment Plan and Overview

    75-minute Initial Session*

    During the first session the focus is on gathering information - exploring further on what has brought you to therapy, and collaboratively identify treatment goals. You will be given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss expectations for therapy.

    Before ending our initial meeting you will be presented a personalized treatment plan and overview as well as a recommendation for frequency of sessions. You are empowered to schedule as many sessions as you feel are applicable.

    Weekly sessions are recommended and at times required*. In certain cases, a minimum of 10-12 consecutive weekly sessions are proposed to achieve optimal results, before moving to less frequency. We will begin to establish rapport, building momentum and getting the best progress out of the therapeutic experience.

    We will work with you to develop a plan that best meets your needs and provide a simplified experience.

    Short term therapy is advisable for a minimum of 12 sessions. Longer sessions can be arranged as needed and are recommended for biweekly appointments.

    Phase Three - Prescribed Virtual Therapy Sessions And Treatment Plan Review

    50-minute Ongoing Sessions**

    Explore and deeply identify what is holding you back. The plan we developed in Phase Two begins to become clear as we begin to accomplish goals and progress forward.

    We strive for a simplified experience. If you ever feel we have not accomplished a simplified experience please let us know.

    *Based on why you are seeking therapy, the initial session will be determined to be individually, family or OCD focused. There is an initial separate fee for OCD treatment(s).

    **15-minute add-ons available - schedule permitting.

  • We offer teletherapy only for several valid reasons. It simplifies your experience.

    From the comfort of your own personal space - with no commute or in-person interaction - you can begin the healing process. On your own terms in a space you are comfortable.

    At no expense of your personal time, cost of gas, etc. you can begin healing. Simply login a few minutes before your appointment and the process begins. It is that simple.

    Why do we do it? It simplifies your experience.

  • We believe the following structure provides the best results.

    Weekly sessions are recommended and at times required (minimum of 10-12 consecutive weekly sessions initially before moving on to less frequency) to achieve optimal results by establishing rapport, building momentum and getting the best progress out of the therapeutic experience.

    However, JL Therapy will work with you to develop a plan that best meets your needs. Longer sessions can be arranged as needed and are recommended for biweekly appointments.

  • Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that involves members of a nuclear family/stepfamily and, in some cases, members of the extended family (e.g., grandparents). As your family therapist, I will facilitate sessions to help your family deal with important issues that may interfere with the functioning of the family/the home environment.

    You will be able to/I will support you and your family to:

    • Facilitate and improve communication

    • Shift and change inflexible roles, rules and coalitions

    • Teach family members to model, educate and dispel myths that drive an inability to move beyond basic information and drive real progress in mental health

    • Problem-solving skills to help understand and handle challenging family situations

    • Increase separation and individuation of family members

    • Strengthen the relationship between parents

    • Solve family problems and improve home environment

    • Overall work to strengthen the family system to restore connection and promote resilience in family relationships

    • Re-establish more secure family patterns where attachment and caregiving responses are effective and emotional bonds are repaired.

    • Establish/re-establish a network of security that provides the flexibility and closeness necessary for families to promote individual growth and meaningful relationships

    • Focus to stabilize a family's negative interaction pattern

    • Restructuring interactions

    • Finding new patterns of connection

    • Emotionally Focused Therapy(EFT) follows the principles of attachment science and in Emotionally Focused Family Therapy(EFFT) focus is on addressing blocks in responses

  • At this time, JL Therapy is solely a teletherapy based practice. JL Therapy is a HIPAA compliant practice. We utilize Zoom and Simple Practice for your sessions.

  • You can download Zoom for your desktop computer/client at the following locations.

  • You can download Zoom for your desktop at the following locations.

Reach out today.

Together we can make a difference. Jenny Li is a psychotherapist committed to offering California
high-quality, virtual modern mental health care with real-world results.